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  • Writer's pictureElena Langdon

Webinar on training interpreters to work with LGBTQIA individuals: December 15th

On December 15th, 2016, at 5pm Central (6pm Eastern, 3pm Pacific), I will have the pleasure of hosting a webinar with my old boss, Tim Moriarty, and Jorge U. Ungo, who will talk about LGBTQIA issues for LEP (Limited English Proficient) patients in the US. The webinar is part of a wonderful series put on by the National Council on Interpreting in Healthcare (NCIHC), through its Trainers Webinars Workgroup, of which I am a part.

I am framing this webinar as an opportunity for trainers to teach students on impartiality, an important part of our National Standards of Practice. LGBTQIA patients also have poorer health outcomes than others, and the webinar will address this. I've seen the slides and it will be resource-rich.

If you are a NCIHC member, the 90-minute webinar is completely free; if you are not it's $25. Either way, it's a great deal. Read more information here.

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